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Электронный учебно-методический комплекс Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института  
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Каталог материалов
Ученые записки Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института. Том XIII. Часть 3.
Емекеев А.А., Бурханов Р.Н., Карасева О.П., Новикова И.А.
- Альметьевск АГНИ, 2015. -369c.
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Thus, the basis for problems' solving is the interdisciplinary communication. In the formation of future specialists a holistic view of the specifics, the content and structure of the future activity are important, which are the main instruments of integration and here an electronic scientific and technical journal «Research Science and Technologies (RST)» can be as a necessary integrative link.
It was revealed that the quality of training, education and research activities depends on the level of implementation of new information technologies, capabilities of virtual computer communication based on Internet. However, the greatest significance of the magazine is based on the fact that it's main goal is to drive science, industry and manufacturing in the field of higher education. In this regard, we propose the idea of an electronic journal in English creating for the integration and joint research between students of (Almetyevsk state oil institute) ASOI and other universities, researchers, teachers, specialists of JSC "TatNeft" and other enterprises. It should be noted that the special interest can cause both professionally oriented articles, and articles of general and non-fiction focus. The need for a corporate e-magazine is also due to the fact that the modern enterprise needs the accumulation of collective knowledge, the integration of specialists in various fields to solve strategic tasks of industry, as well as in the search for talented young people at a grade in high school and prepare them for future employment.
The joint work of specialists and students will help to prepare the staff for the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as allow students to deal directly with manufacture tasks, new equipment, and to solve them together. To make the magazine more interesting to a wide range of readers, materials covering the entire sphere of progress in various fields will be published there.
1. Y.Y.Gutman, A.R.Masalimova, A.R.Shaidullina, A.M.Nizamieva, A.H. Mykhamadieva Foreign language discipline integrative potential [text // American Journal of applied sciences.-2014.-№11.-P. 1099-1103 [DOI: 10.3844/AJASSP.2014.1099.1103] (0, 5 п.л.,авт. текст 0,2 п.л)
2. AL. Lipaev, S. Lipaev, L. Alekseeva Language policy for successful ENGINEERING EDUCATION(PAPERS SGEM2010) SUNDAY 1 AUGUST 2010 BY Libadmin2010 10th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference - SGEM, www.sgem.org, SGEM2010 Conference proceedings/ISBN 10: 954-91818-1-2, June 20-26, 2010, Vol. 2, 1055-1060
3. A.R.Masalimova, G.D.Ikramova, A.R. Shaidullina, G.T.Gubaidullina, N.D.Apraksina /Distant in-company foreign language learning inloving university student-tutors. [text] // American Journal of applied sciences.-2014.-№11.-P. 1123-1127 [D0I:10.3844/AJASSP.2014.1123.1127] (0,5 п.л., авт. текст 0,3 п.л)

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Альметьевский государственный нефтяной институт, 2004 - 2024г.
423450 Республика Татарстан,
г.Альметьевск, ул. Ленина д.2
e-mail: fb@agni-rt.ru