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Электронный учебно-методический комплекс Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института  
Каталог электронного УМК
Каталог материалов
Ученые записки Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института. Том XIII. Часть 3.
Емекеев А.А., Бурханов Р.Н., Карасева О.П., Новикова И.А.
- Альметьевск АГНИ, 2015. -369c.
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Related to all above, it becomes very important to study the humanities. Humanitarian knowledge contributes to the development of harmonious human relations with the environment. This demonstrates the importance of humanitarian component in the educational process in a technical university.
A special role belongs to the discipline of "Foreign Language" in connection with the need to train qualified specialists with not only knowledge in their specialty. They need to be able to participate in discussions with foreign colleagues, to negotiate and just to communicate. The most important fact is that the knowledge of foreign languages helps to see the country in terms of crossing the cultures, to feel the diversity of the world, to tolerate manifestations of a vision of the world and a different way of life.[3-4]
So modern competitive specialist needs to know not only the foreign language but also the culture, traditions and peculiarities of the peoples of other countries. The study of national cultural features is a prerequisite for the formation of the ability to conduct a dialogue of cultures as well as tolerance towards people of other religions, other traditions, customs, attitudes and beliefs, and this, in its turn implies the formation of a multicultural competence.
It should be noted that it is the study of national and cultural features at the lessons of discipline of "Foreign Language" and the development of a multicultural competence that influence on the formation of not only the internal readiness for the active conducting professional activity, but also confidence in their own abilities in a multicultural society.
The influence of national and cultural aspects of discipline "Foreign Language" on the development of the personality of a student in a technical university is in the formation of tolerant attitude towards the representatives of other cultures, which is a prerequisite for improving the competitiveness of the future specialist.[5]
Realization of the concept of multicultural education can help to achieve more significant results in the preparation of highly competitive specialists of international level.
So, we can conclude that multicultural education plays an important role in the professional development of the personality of a student in a technical university.
1. Колоницкая О.Л. Сущность и содержание гуманистических технологий в техническом вузе. //Вопросы методики преподавания в вузе. - СПб.: Изд-во Политехн. ун-та, 2008. - Вып. 11, 146 с.
2. Концепция развития поликультурного образования в Российской Федерации. [Электронный ресурс] режим доступа -http://mon. gov. ru/work/vosp/dok/6988/
3. Садыкова Л. Р. Поликультурное образование - актуальная проблема высшего учебного заведения. // Материалы второй

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Альметьевский государственный нефтяной институт, 2004 - 2024г.
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