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Электронный учебно-методический комплекс Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института  
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Ученые записки Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института. Том XIII. Часть 3.
Емекеев А.А., Бурханов Р.Н., Карасева О.П., Новикова И.А.
- Альметьевск АГНИ, 2015. -369c.
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program (verbal and nonverbal) of communicative behavior [2].
The ability to participate in verbal communication is displayed in the communicative culture of students. The following features of mental activity indicate it:
a) analysis attitude, involving self-esteem and interpretation of one's communicative behavior;
b) flexible response to a variety of communicative situations;
c) ability to initiate and organize one's own communicative interaction.
At the present stage of didactics development the appeal to the communicative competence as a learning objective and basic component of culture is due to a new approach to the phenomenon of verbal communication as a meaningful aspect of social interaction where the person undergoes mental, social, and intellectual enhancement of his personality. There appear new methodological models based on specific technologies of representing linguistic knowledge, developing language and speech skills. There exist several optional educational models for developing foreign language competence. The first one, which is conventionally called the formative model, is based on the assumption that affecting the cognitive development of the student is equal to carrying out a targeted control of the process of knowledge and skills assimilation, provided that it passes all the necessary stages of knowledge and skills development with predetermined characteristics set, and under the guidance of the key 'mental effort' concept [5].
The second model is called a model for developing character, and it focuses on the transformation of students educational activity on the levels of content and form to develop theoretical thinking ability, abilities to reflect and act on one's own when completing a variety of learning tasks, etc. To do this, students are offered new means of learning activities, such as the sign models that reproduce the general principle of the phenomenon under study. While working with them the nature and type of student's training and activity change: they are involved in the elementary (partial) research activities, etc. The key element of this model can be considered as a work method. [8]
The main didactic purpose of personality model is considered to be the overall development of the student, including his cognitive, emotional and volitional, moral and aesthetic possibilities. Training is conducted at a high level of difficulty, although there may be conditions to manifest one's individual qualities, one's strengths and weaknesses. In the foreign language classroom a trustful atmosphere is created so that participants could collaborate during the educational process. The key element of this model is considered to be 'holistic personal development' [5].
Finally, there is activating model aimed at improving the level of cognitive activity of students by means of problem situations involved into the educational process. They are based on educational needs and intellectual qualities. The key concept here is 'cognitive interest'.

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Все представленые произведения являются собственностью библиотеки Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института и предназначены для ознакомительного прочтения в методических целях в поддержку процесса обучения

Альметьевский государственный нефтяной институт, 2004 - 2024г.
423450 Республика Татарстан,
г.Альметьевск, ул. Ленина д.2
e-mail: fb@agni-rt.ru