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Электронный учебно-методический комплекс Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института  
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Ученые записки Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института. Том X.Часть 2.

- Альметьевск Типография АГНИ, 2012. -324c.
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слова исконного происхождения, но также в словарном составе имеется довольно большое количество интернационализмов.
Интернационализмы - слова, совпадающие в разных языках по своей внешней форме (с учетом закономерных соответствий звуков и графических единиц), с полностью или частично совпадающим смыслом. Источник интернационализмов - какой-нибудь язык (ср. русский "спутник", немецкий "sputnik", английский "sputnic") или греко-латинские корни слов, лежащие в основе интернациональной терминологической лексики.
An important distinctive feature which has not been discussed so far is that of origin. According to this feature the word stock may be subdivided into two main sets. The elements of one are native, the elements of the other are borrowed.
A native word, on the other hand, which belongs to the original English stock, as known from the earliest available manuscripts of the Old English period. A loan word, borrowed word or borrowing is a word taken over from another language and modified in phonemic shape, spelling, paradigm or meaning according to the standards of the English language.
The term i n t e r n a t i o n a l w o r d is used to denote words borrowed from one language into several others simultaneously or at short intervals one after another.
Ключевые слова: интернационализмы, заимствования, источники, терминологическая система, сходства и различия, абстрактное понятие.
Keywords: international words, borrowings, sources, terminological system, similarity and difference, abstract notions
As the process of borrowing is mostly connected with the appearance of new notions which the loan words serve to express, it is but natural that the borrowing is seldom limited to one language. Words of identical origin that occur in several languages as a result of simultaneous or successive borrowings from one ultimate source are called I n t e r n a t i o n a l w o r d s. The term i n t e r n a t i o n a l w o r d is used to denote words borrowed from one language into several others simultaneously or at short intervals one after another.
They play an especially prominent part in various terminological systems and among words denoting abstract notions. They should not be mixed with words of the common Indo-European stock that also comprise a sort of common fund of the European languages. A few examples of comparatively new words due to the progress of science will suffice to illustrate the type: antenna,, antibiotic, atomic, automation, autostrada, betatron, bionics, cybernetics and many others show sufficient likeness in English, French, Russian and several other languages.
This layer is of great importance for the foreign language teacher as he must know the most efficient, ways of showing the points of similarity and difference between such words as control—контроль, general—генерал, industry—индустрия, etc.

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Альметьевский государственный нефтяной институт, 2004 - 2024г.
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