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Электронный учебно-методический комплекс Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института  
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Ученые записки Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института. Том X.Часть 2.

- Альметьевск Типография АГНИ, 2012. -324c.
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The article is devoted to the questions of development of leading features of traditional culture in modern life, which are reflected in different fields of society -economic, social, spiritiual, politic etc, that demands taking in the consideration in managment of modern social processes.
Ключевые слова: традиционная культура, современность, мировоззрение, обычаи, ритуалы, мифология, религия, космизм, культовые места, цивилизация, поведение людей.
Keywords: traditional culture, modern life, worldview, customs, rituals, mythology, religion, cosmism, cult places, civilization, human behavior.
The interest in traditional culture in modern research has increased significantly. This is due to the fact that in the conditions of globalization and informatization tradition becomes a link to historical memory, and helps to preserve cultural identity [1, p. 10]. Traditional culture units with some aspects of sociology as socialization, values, behavior, art, traditional society.
In this work, we considered the traditional culture from a philosophical point of view and also compared the traditional culture and modern society, identifying their characteristics at the present stage and setting the prospects for the near future.
Historically, there are two types, two branches of civilization: the traditional society and modern society. Within each type there is a significant amount of mixed, transitional forms.
The main differences between the two types of civilizations, relate to:
1. Worldview
2. The system of values: collectivism - individualism, altruism - self-interest, individual liberty and freedom of the social community (society) and spiritual - material, moral - rational.
3. Understanding the historical development and progress. The determination to an ideal society and realization of the principle: "the motion -all, the final goal - nothing."
4. The state and society: paternalism, ideocracy - civil society.
5. Economy: the economy - a goal, the economy - means. The market economy and the economy controlled by the state society. The role of money and capital.
6. Personality, family, society.
Globalization - is a recognition of one branch of a civilization as universal, is an attempt to assimilate through
the repression, destruction, decomposition of the other branche. The result can be disastrous for both branches of civilization. Problems the humanity faced with are global in nature. To solve them no unification and assimilation are required but the enrichment and complementarity.
The anthropological study of cultures necessarily involves implicit or explicit contrast, a comparison of traditional and modern types of societies.

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