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Электронный учебно-методический комплекс Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института  
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Ученые записки Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института. Том X.Часть 2.

- Альметьевск Типография АГНИ, 2012. -324c.
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Russian, the type of a bilingualism assuming possession by two state languages by each inhabitant of republic gradually comes.
Accepted «the Law on languages of the people of the Tatarstan Republic» has expanded possibilities of use of Tatar language in public life, in industrial and professional fields of activity of the population of Tatarstan, and the law «About the Tatarstan Republic formation» has entered Tatar language into number of obligatory subjects in all comprehensive schools and special educational institutions of republic irrespective of a nationality of pupils.
In connection with Law action about bilingualism, as one of actual problems of higher educational institutions preparation of the experts owning both state languages of the Tatarstan Republic is. The decision of this problem should be carried out in conformity, on the one hand, with the realized policy of the state, with another - educational institutions which are the basic channel of bilingualism formation.
The knowledge of two state languages will help the future graduate of high school to be guided more freely on a labor market, to be more competitive. The people knowing two or several languages feel more confident and more reliable a modern society.
The foreign language studied by the person - not superfluous expenditure of forces, and huge internal enrichment. Each language is a special world, the unique way to perceive and comprehend surrounding life, at last, is cultural centuries-old tradition with all its unique paints.
In the Almetyevsk State Oil Institute language preparation goes in several directions: the Tatar language is studied by students of the Tatar nationality and Russian-speaking pupils.
Teaching main objective to Russian-speaking students of the second state language is formation of the communicative competence of pupils in the studied language.
Teaching of Tatar language in higher educational institutions much more differs from the school. If there for studying of the second state language enough considerable quantity of hours is given, but in unlingual high schools it is taken away only 2 hours per week for it. Taking into account it, as the planned result of training at institute it is possible to consider ability to allocate a theme and the conversation purpose, to understand details of its maintenance in a free stream of speech speaking another language with several participants, to receive and hand over the actual information, to establish and support social and professional contacts within the limits of the limited number of situations of speech dialogue, to read publicity lungs, art, popular scientific texts; to take the information from brochures, guidebooks, periodic publications on political subjects, advertisements and headline news; to write non-registered letters, descriptions of vital events, the autobiographical data.
In the conditions of the higher unlingual educational institutions for formation and perfection of skills of speech activity there is not enough time. It

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Альметьевский государственный нефтяной институт, 2004 - 2024г.
423450 Республика Татарстан,
г.Альметьевск, ул. Ленина д.2
e-mail: fb@agni-rt.ru