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Электронный учебно-методический комплекс Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института  
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Материалы научной сессии студентов по итогам 2007 года

- Альметьевск Типография АГНИ, 2008. -394c.
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, 0f most ages can and should assist with. Choosing which shoes look better c . ur dress lets a child know you value hervopinion. Of course, if you ask, be
W' 1 to accept and live with the choice made!
6. Р1аУ With Vour Children
The key is to really play with your children. Play with dolls, ball, make believe,
kers sing songs, or whatever is fun and interesting. It doesn't matter what you °i iust enjoy each other! Let kids see your silly side. Older kids enjoy cards, chess, P ' ter games, while younger ones will have fun playing about anything...as long as it involves you!
7 Eat Meals As A Family
You've heard this before, and it really is important! Eating together sets the stage f r conversation and sharing. Turn the TV off, and don't rush through a meal. When chedules permit, really talk and enjoy one another. It can become a quality time most remembered by young and old alike.
8. Seek Out One-On-One Opportunities Often
Some parents have special nights or "standing dates" with their children to create that one-on-one opportunity. Whether it is a walk around the neighborhood, a special trip to a playground, or just a movie night with just the two of you, it is important to celebrate each child individually. Although it is more of a challenge the more children in a family, it is really achievable! Think creatively and the opportunities created will be ones that you remember in the future.
9. Respect Their Choices
You don't have to like their mismatched shirt and shorts or love how a child has placed pictures in his room. However, it is important to respect those choices. Children reach out for independence at a young age, and parents can help to foster those decision-making skills by being supportive and even looking the other way on occasion. After all, it really is okay if a child goes to daycare with a striped green shirt and pink shorts.
10. Make Them A Priority In Your Life
Your children need to know that you believe they are a priority in your life. Children can observe excessive stress and notice when they feel you are not paying them attention. Sometimes, part of being a parent is not worrying about the small stuff and enjoying your children. They grow up so fast, and every day is special.
In conclusion, we should note that it will be useful for parents to follow these advices if they are eager to support trusting relations.
Take advantage of your precious time together while you have it!
Пичкасов И. гр. 17-21 (н-р Мурзина Г.А.)
The word "family" has a set of definitions, but any of them cannot reflect all
ny-sided nature of this concept to the full. For a society the family is a cell, the
^У structure, one of bricks from which it, the society, consists. Families fall -

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Альметьевский государственный нефтяной институт, 2004 - 2024г.
423450 Республика Татарстан,
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