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Электронный учебно-методический комплекс Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института  
Каталог электронного УМК
Каталог материалов
Материалы научной сессии студентов по итогам 2008 года. Часть II

- Альметьевск Типография АГНИ, 2009. -435c.
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The programme of the conference covered the issues of tobacco smoking impact -hildren and adolescents' health, growth of cardio-vascular diseases, cancer and :o-related respiratory diseases, the UN Framework Convention on Tobacco
. ntrol and itsthat had been conducted, showed the implementation in Russia. The issues
f global promotion of tobacco industries products, modern methods of prevention and
-tment of tobacco addiction were also discussed at the conference.
According to the conference findings, the tobacco epidemic in Russia grows: ore than 50 percent of population are tobacco users. The number of tobacco-related diseases grows, for the same reason tobacco-related mortality and morbidity rates grow. At the same time tobacco remains the leading pre ventable mortality cause.
In many European countries, which have already adopted the national Anti-tobacco programmes, the rate of tobacco users has been stabilized at the level of 30 ^jcent of the adult population.
The set of activities targeted at effective tobacco use control should by all means include certain legislative measures, pricing control and counteraction to aggressive activities of tobaccoNational industries and some others. Thus participants of the Conference stated that it is very important for Russia to become a party to the UN Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in the nearest future.
The participants of the Conference concluded that health professionals can and should take a leading role in tobacco control. However, the analyses that had been conducted, showed the underinvolvement of Russian health workers'in these activities, and the absence of relevant legislative and logistic basis. Curriculum of the medical educational institutions does not include the issues of tobacco use control resulting in the lack of skills, knowledge and understanding of the need for immediate intervention. Modem methods of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of tobacco addiction which may be used by health professionals of various specializations are not introduced. There are no regulatory documents on assistance in tobacco abstinence, medical insurance and reimbursement of treatment costs. The laws prohibiting smoking at the working place at the medical institutions do not work.
In view of the above, it has been concluded in the final document of the Conference that the Ministry of Healt and Social Development of the RF should speedup the process of joining the convention by the Russia Federation and implementation °f the National Strategic Action Plan on Tobacco Control, including solution all the ™°ve mentioned tasks. To facilitate implementation and raise efficiency of the Action lan, the Conference proposed to create the Association Health Professionals Against r»bacco'.
Фасхутдинова Г. Р. группа 37-91 (Сахипова З.М )
^ В немецком алфавите 26 букв, но звуков гораздо больше - 42.Для того
' точно передать на письме звуки, составляющие слово, пользуются
w ^яьньгм фонетическим алфавитом, который называют транскрипцией. В
«а, "фипции каждый звук имеет свое обозначение. В некоторых пособиях по
°му языку дается упрощенный вариант транскрипции - запись немецких

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Все представленые произведения являются собственностью библиотеки Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института и предназначены для ознакомительного прочтения в методических целях в поддержку процесса обучения

Альметьевский государственный нефтяной институт, 2004 - 2024г.
423450 Республика Татарстан,
г.Альметьевск, ул. Ленина д.2
e-mail: fb@agni-rt.ru