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Электронный учебно-методический комплекс Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института  
Каталог электронного УМК
Каталог материалов
Материалы научной сессии студентов по итогам 2008 года. Часть II

- Альметьевск Типография АГНИ, 2009. -435c.
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each students life is essential. In a learning society, lifelong learning is a part of th societal ethos.
Recognizing the importance of learning throughout an individuals every tim public universities have a signifrant, even unique role in addressing aspects of ' learning society. It continues to be responsibility of universities to ensure that th demand for education throughout the life of virtually every citizen can be satisfied that lifelong learning becomes a reality for all those who desire it. Universities m'list encourage research on the learning process in order to develop ways to increase th ability of individuals to learn. The use of computers and other interactive information technologies will enable students and universities to maintain close ties for learning and information knowing.
Recent years have seen the rapid growth of cooperation among the universities and industry. Different technical universities and technical secondary schools, enterprises plants and the government have created a partnership for science and technology. The goal of this partnership is to create a cluster based on a number of universities around Tatarstan as a strategies resource for the development of education and researching accordance with the needs of the region. The cluster consists of partner universities and factories interested in a ground base for closer partnership and cooperation in Tatarstan within the areas of natural and engineering sciences, technology development, and industrial management.
There are many universities from Tatarstan involved in founding clusters. The cluster is open to other universities and colleges of Tatarstan arid has the folloaring basic objectives:
- to take an active part in development of the policy of high education and science in Tatarstan;
- to provide the highest quality scientific expertise and to give expert conclusions on principal questions of technology development in Tatarstan;
- to assure the integration info European education and research system;
- to develop study programs and courses in different fields of science and technology; to support the integration of higher engineering education, research and technology development;
- to develop efficient methods in training of engineers and technologists;
- to promote innovation in engineering and technology education;
- to participate into international assessments of study program and research projects;
- to support the mobility of academia and administrative staff members and students.
(Религиозные учения Р.Фахретдина)
Вэлиева Л. Р. 46-81 теркем (Фэтхуллина 3. Р.)
XX йвз башында татар ижгимагый тормышыцда зур урын тоткан шэхе бик куп. Лэкин алар арасында узенеч фидакарьлеге, сокландыргыч хезмэ белэн Ризаэддин Фэхреддин аерым урын альт гора. Ул татар жэмгыятен гас v буена борчыган проблемаларны тирэнтен анлау белэн генэ чиклэнмичэ,

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Все представленые произведения являются собственностью библиотеки Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института и предназначены для ознакомительного прочтения в методических целях в поддержку процесса обучения

Альметьевский государственный нефтяной институт, 2004 - 2024г.
423450 Республика Татарстан,
г.Альметьевск, ул. Ленина д.2
e-mail: fb@agni-rt.ru