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Электронный учебно-методический комплекс Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института  
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Материалы научной сессии студентов по итогам 2010 года. Часть II
Емекеев А.А., Бурханов Р.Н., Карасева О.П.
- Альметьевск Типография АГНИ, 2011. -273c.
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I will try to answer this question. I believe that America wants a way to establish control in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf, because at the moment there is concentrated the largest oil reserves in the world. And America has a policy of Israel's security, because the benefit to maintain "financial bags" of the world. Meanwhile, the dominance of America in the east can be a very bad influence on world peace, international conflict will be inevitable. But the situation each day gets out of control and nobody knows what it may lead. Also, I think that the excitement is passed as in a chain reaction in other countries are well-planned action, because it is impossible for such a short- time and so- lightning break wave of revolutions.
In the case of Egypt, the U.S. was able to negotiate with the armed forces of the country, but with Libya, the United States do not have any close relationship in the military sphere. Currently, Libya is not even the U.S. ambassador.
Destabilization of the situation in Libya is the economic risks for Europe in terms of violation of stability in energy supplies, as well as the development of oil fields with foreign companies. This situation was the cause of the rise in oil prices.
In Arab countries, we see a classic revolutionary situation in the late 19 th century. Poverty, corruption and despair lead people to the streets.
"Clearly, the more there will be some elections, but still in the Islamic world, they brought Islamists to power," - said Nikonov. According to him, "the role of the mosque is very large."
Revolution, tends to make one, while in power are quite different. Therefore in the Arab world, overthrow regimes can lead to power is not left and the Islamists. And none of what democracy cannot be considered.
As for further developments in this situation, there is nothing we cannot expect a favourable. Weaken foreign investment, tourists stop going to the resorts, the economic situation will deteriorate, which is fraught with new social upheavals.
Any instability in the region is given throughout the Islamic world, and say, no doubt, and the Arab-Palestinian relations, throughout the Middle East settlement.
The point is not that there will be some direct overthrow of a leader or ruling dynasty. The bottom line is that the eruption of the volcano. And it will not stop. That is, anyway, the authorities will have to make big concessions. Government will need to negotiate with the educated youth and new social forces. It is a social revolution. There is no other way.
Миннибаева А.Р., Сенгатуллин А.А. гр. 48-71 (Фэтхуллина З.Р.)
Фэнни чыгышыбызнын, темасы - "Чит иллэрдэ татарлар" Эшнен максаты - бYгенге кендэ чит иллэрдэ яшэYче татарларнын, тормышын, яшэY рэвешен, эш-гамэллэрен яктырту, татар диаспорларынын ин актив вэкиллэре белэн танышу. Эшебездэ чит иллэр hэм Татарстан республика арасында булган бэйлэнеш курсэтелэ. Чыгыш ясау ечен Бетенденья татар Конгрессыньщ, татар телендэ интернет-сайт материалларын кулландык.

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