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Электронный учебно-методический комплекс Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института  
Каталог электронного УМК
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Материалы научной сессии студентов. 21-25 марта 2016 г.

- Альметьевск АГНИ, 2016. -324c.
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УДК 4И (англ): 658
Fairushina R.B.
(Senior teacher of Foreign Languages Department, L.R. Sadykova, senior teacher of Enterprise Economics Department, S.B. Zhukova) Almetyevsk state oil institute
Russian monetary sector forecasting over the last ten years is one of the most important from the standpoint of economic growth in Russia. The monetary sector is the link that connects all other sectors of the economy with each other [1]. It contains statistical information, and it is better to be regulated. It was established that the main objective of the Bank of Russia is to reduce inflation to a level that would not hamper economic growth. The rate of inflation also depends on the monetary policy of the central bank, and as well, by emission band. In this connection a comprehensive analysis of the structure and quantitative characteristics that define the relationship of active and passive operations of the Central Bank has a special importance [2]. The balance of the Central Bank and the consolidated balance sheet of commercial banks result in the review of the monetary sphere, which shows the relationship of the monetary sector with other sectors of the economy, demonstrates the resources that are available in the monetary system, as well as their use [2]. Since money market rates are the indicators of stocks at the end of the period, and other sectors indicators are the indicators of streams, so in order to ensure cross-sectoral comparability, it is necessary to recalculate reserves in streams [1].
Table I.
Oil price dynamics for 2011-2015
2011 r. 2012 r. 2013 r. 2014 r. 2015 r.
Oil (dollars/barrel) 109,3 110,5 107,9 97,6 53,0
Rate of increase, % 39,8 1,1 -2,4 -9,5 -45,7
As a result of calculation, it must be concluded that the strongest influence on the economic growth of Russia and the depreciation of the ruble had a sudden and sharp drop in oil prices in 2015, which significantly reduced the inflationary pressures.
I.A.P. Kireev. International economics. Part 2. M.: International relations, 2010.
2.Structural analysis of the Central Bank active transactions. Finance and Credit. №47. 2010.

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Альметьевский государственный нефтяной институт, 2004 - 2024г.
423450 Республика Татарстан,
г.Альметьевск, ул. Ленина д.2
e-mail: fb@agni-rt.ru