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Электронный учебно-методический комплекс Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института  
Каталог электронного УМК
Каталог материалов
Материалы научной сессии студентов. Часть II.
Емекеев А.А., Карасева О.П., Бурханов Р.Н.
- Альметьевск АГНИ, 2015. -324c.
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organization of the inspection part has given the opportunity of excluding the premature repair of drill pipes, as well as putting the cost of "spoiling" the pipe in case of failure of the repair operating time.
There is carried out the analysis of the impact of the project implementation "Repair ЛБТПН-74" on the cost of "TMS-Drilling Service". The calculations showed that the costs after the project realization had been fallen by 76.6% and amounted to 436,296 rubles. The net profit will be to 946,234 rubles.
As a result of the cost-effectiveness calculation of the project "Inspection of drill pipes based on the requirements of the standard DS1» was revealed that the company received the additional revenue of 1,867,030 rubles, the net profit of 1,451,694 rubles per year. NPV was 9666190 rubles. The payback period is less than a year. The project is considered as an attractive one from the investment point of view.
Thus, the proposed measures increase the operational efficiency of drill pipes, reduce the frequency of pipe repairs and identify the premature repair. After the introduction of these measures repair costs have been reduced and the profits of the enterprise have been increased.
1. Вадецкий Ю.В. Бурение нефтяных и газовых скважин: учебник для нач. проф. образования / Ю.В. Вадецкий. - М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2010. - 352с.
2. Николаева И.П. Инвестиции: Учебник / И.П. Николаева. - М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и Ко», 2013. - 256 с.
3. http://www. tmcg. ru/
4. http://trubaneft. ru/remont/
УДК 4И(англ.)
Тимбакова М.Р. (доцент кафедры менеджмента Шамсутдинова М.Р., д.п.н., профессор, зав. каф. иностранных языков, Шайдуллина А.Р.) Альметьевский государственный нефтяной институт
Today environmental issues are actual thereforean automotive industry problem are particularly acute. There are new kinds of cars, such as hybrids and electric vehicles, which are increasingly become popular. This area of the automotive industry in Russia is not given enough attention.

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Все представленые произведения являются собственностью библиотеки Альметьевского государственного нефтяного института и предназначены для ознакомительного прочтения в методических целях в поддержку процесса обучения

Альметьевский государственный нефтяной институт, 2004 - 2024г.
423450 Республика Татарстан,
г.Альметьевск, ул. Ленина д.2
e-mail: fb@agni-rt.ru